Break the siege (II Kings 6:24-33, 7:1-16)
Would you like to say this prayer with me? Every siege round about me, physically, spiritually, maritally, financially … break, break, break in the name of Jesus.
From the passage we read, Samaria was under siege from their enemy. Things were so difficult. They could not farm, they could not buy and sell. They were literally imprisoned without food, water and daily provision. All the reserved food in their houses were exhausted and there was no fresh supply from outside. What a terrible, merciless situation. They ate all kinds of things in order to survive. How long could they survive without food and water?
John 10:10
The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.
The idea behind every siege is to suffer people and force them to surrender, then the enemy could kill with ease and capture the rest alive and make them slaves. I pray that the good Lord will break every siege round about you.
Psalm 50:15
And call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me.
Those who besieged others are always prepared for it. They always come with weapon, food, water, tent etc and make a long time camping round the city. They could eat, drink and live their normal camping life while keeping an eye on their target. Anyone that comes out of the city would either be killed or captured alive. The enemy even get supplies from home to enable them stay even longer until they accomplish their mission.
2Kings 17:1
Whenever the siege strategy is used, it is always very difficult for the besieged city to act. They can’t get external aid. Most times it is a hopeless situation except there is a divine intervention. There will be a divine intervention in your own case in the name of Jesus.
Isaiah 49:24
From our passage today, there was a divine intervention. I pray that heaven will intervene in your behalf in the name of Jesus.
This physical siege is a picture of what could and always happen in the spiritual realm. The devil could and always place similar spiritual sieges against people. In such cases he would lock people up without a sustenance and place spiritual guards round about the person. All what such one will experience physically is series of difficulties, either physically, financially, maritally etc. I pray today that in any way the enemy has locked you up or besieged you, the power of the merciful God will release you in the name of Jesus.
Romans 10:13
For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Next week we will look at why and how the devil besieges people even Christians.
All along we will continue to pray and break every siege round about us. May the Lord break every siege round about you in the name of Jesus.
Say with me once again, every siege round about me (put your name), break, break, break in Jesus’ name.